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Generation Excel 

G.E. youth development program was founded in 1992, with a mission “to provide direct services and opportunities for growth to underserved, low-income at-risk and high-risk youth and their families.” After decades of being a gang intervention program—working with youth caught in the wave of violence sweeping through Boston—the program changed in 2013 to provide the academic, social and emotional support at-risk and high-risk youth needed to enable them to grow-up to become productive young adults. Generation Excel currently offers the following program services:


THE MEDIATION AND WELLNESS PROGRAM sustains Generation Excel’s collaborative program model by partnering with English High School, West Roxbury Academy and the Jeremiah E. Burke to work with “troubled youth” who have presented as behaviorally challenged within the school environment. The Mediation and Wellness program provides intervention services to prevent fights, reduce threatening behaviors and minimize disruption. It also provides a safe space for introspection, personal development, and self-care.  In the 2015-16 school year, 25 Peer Mediators have been trained to mediate conflicts; each high school has hosted a Wellness Day, and 66 additional students are learning about positive self-images, and how to cope with depression, and peer pressure.


THE MATH & SCIENCE SCHOLARS PROGRAM launched in the summer of 2014, is a six-week summer academic enrichment project that teaches STEM concepts to middle school students in fun and engaging ways, to increase their understanding of and confidence in these subjects. The program introduces 27 to 40 students to careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields, it helps to improve students’ performance in STEM subjects in school, and it emphasizes the importance of math and science in everyday life. The program hopes to expand to serve youth year-round through monthly Science Clubs to encourage youth to consider pursuing STEM careers.


OTHER SERVICES reaching an additional 50+ youth include support to enable English High School students to attend school on a regular basis, and the production of plays written and performed by students to shed light on the challenges youth face in today cyber-world.

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