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A Father's Legacy


A FATHER'S LEGACY first launched in 1989, has since its inception been a collaborative program with the West Roxbury District Court and the Massachusetts Department of Probation. This culturally competent 13-week training program provides parental training and education for court-involved men to help them engage more effectively with their children and families. The Fatherhood Program became a Bethel-Institute supported program in 2013. In 2016, with funding from the Nordblom Foundation, the program changed to provide four After-Care sessions for fathers completing the initial training to access needed resources. The program also expanded to serve fathers in the community, who are not court involved. These young fathers grew-up without a father in their home and are learning how to be the father they never had.


Registration is now open September 2016

for the Workshop : SIGNUP

For more information click to send inquiries to:

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